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We all have a role to play in stopping stalking. While SPARC doesn’t have any formal volunteer opportunities at this time, there are certainly ways to get involved in spreading awareness on stalking. Thank you for your interest!

  • Learn more about the crime of stalking.
    Educating yourself is critical so that you can effectively spread the word to others! We suggest reviewing the resources available on our website. The recorded Context is Key webinar is a great place to start, plus resources on responding to loved ones experiencing stalking.
  • Provide community education on stalking.
    We suggest reaching out to a local domestic violence and/or sexual assault agency, as they often have staff who provide community education who you might be able to partner or co-train with. We have ready-to-lead programs available here. PTAs, lunch-and-learns, campuses, and really anywhere folks gather can be a great space to educate on this issue.
  • Get involved in local efforts. Typically, the stalking response is housed under the domestic violence and/or sexual violence service response. Talk to your local providers (like domestic violence shelters, rape crisis response, or Title IX offices) about what they’re doing to help stalking victims and if they have ways for you to get involved. Encourage them to seek training from SPARC.
  • Share resources and materials. We have brochures and posters available, plus a robust social media campaign for National Stalking Awareness Month each January. Simply sharing this information can go a long way.
  • Speak up when you see stalking minimized. We need to change our culture so that people recognize that stalking is not cute, funny, or romantic – it is dangerous. Writing a letter to the editor, commenting on social media, or otherwise expressing your views when you see stalking misrepresented in media can help affect positive change.
  • Help fundraise. We’re a small project, and we’re funded to provide training to professionals in the domestic violence, criminal justice, and campus space. That means we cannot provide direct education to the general public, students, the military, or other groups without asking for additional funding. In short, there are more projects we’d love to undertake if we had more diverse funding sources.